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🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 👍

OpenBeta is a climber-led, all-volunteer effort. You don't have to code to get involved. We listed four levels of contribution based on your availability and commitment. Choose the level that best fits your preferences and make a meaningful impact on the future of open source + rock climbing.

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the OpenBeta Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

Level 0️⃣ { Warmups } Start using

⌛: < 1 hr/week

🔨: none

If you have limited time but still want to contribute, you can help by simply starting to use OpenBeta, our climbing catalog.

Here's a list of things you can do to help:

  • Use OpenBeta to find climbing information.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, create an account to add a route or two.
  • Follow our social media accounts(Instagram), and tag us when you post something about OpenBeta.
  • Join our Discord community. Tell us about yourself, how you like and dislike OpenBeta, and what you want to see in the future.

Level 1️⃣ { Onsights } Quick contributions

If you have a bit more time, you can have a quick contribution in two fields:

1. No Code

⌛: < 3 hrs/week

🔨: none

You can contribute to data maintenance and growth. This is critical to the long term viability of the project, and also where we need the largest number of contributors.

Since OpenBeta is a community based platform, we reply on climbers to use it in their day to day adventures, and to make edits and additions when they see something wrong or missing.

Visit Using OpenBeta to learn more about how to contribute data to the platform.

2. Code

⌛: < 3 hrs/week

🔨: Coding skills

If you have coding skills, you can follow the steps below to make your first contribution:

  1. Pick up an issue: Browse through the list of open issues and find one that matches your skills and interests.
  2. Leave a comment expressing your intent to work on it to avoid duplication of effort.
  3. Work on the issue once you are assinged to it.
  4. Submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the project's coding style and conventions, write tests, and keep the changes concise and focused.

Go to Dev Onboarding to get started.

Level 2️⃣ { Day Projects } Medium Contributions

If you want to be more involved, consider working on medium-sized contributions.

Below you can find code and no code pathways.

1. No Code

⌛: ~ 10 hrs/week

🔨: UI/UX, Marketing, Communication

  • Become our Regional Ambassador and maintain an area.(application coming soon...)
  • Design our UI/UX. Please go to Design onboarding(coming soon...) to get started.
  • Help us with marketing.

2. Code

⌛: ~ 10 hrs/week

🔨: Coding skills

If you are interested in our current projects, you can join the project and work on some tasks.

Go to Dev Onboarding to get started.

Level 3️⃣ { Projects } Deep dive and long-term contributions

If you are passionate about the project and want to make significant contributions over an extended period, this level of involvement is for you.

Here's how you can make a lasting impact:

1. No Code

⌛: ~ 15 hrs/week

🔨: UI/UX, Marketing, Communication

We are looking for UX/UI designers.

2. Code

⌛: ~ 15 hrs/week

🔨: Coding skills

We're looking for help with frontend, backend, and full stack development.

You can join our core dev team by simply completing the Dev Onboarding program and work on some tasks first. If by then you are still interested in joining, please express your interest in our Discord channel.


Regardless of the level you choose, collaboration and open communication are vital. Engage with the community, ask questions, and seek feedback when needed.

Thank you for considering contributing to Open Beta We appreciate your support, and we look forward to seeing your contributions.

The following is a list of useful resources for contributing: